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Author Archives: Greg Clarke

Buying a Home With a Well: What You Need to Know

Things To Consider When Buying A Home With A Well Buyers considering homes in rural settings will usually encounter houses for sale that get their water from wells. With homes drawing on municipal sources, it has an assumption that the lake in the home will be easily...

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Bathroom Renovations With High ROIs

Which Renovation upgrades Yield the Best Returns? Most homeowners want to upgrade their bathrooms. Kelowna Homeowners may use a contractor or decide to do a do-it-yourself (DYI) project. Whether it’s because their fixtures are outdated or because they’re just tired of staring at the same old paint...

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The Best US Locations for Finding Your Perfect Urban Loft

  Everybody dreams of one day living in their dream home. Due to an increasingly urban landscape and a growing millennial population, the traditional idea of a spacious, suburban home has shifted to feature modern apartments and rented accommodation. One of the most popular choices among young...

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Attractions around British Columbia

  –When you think about content that focuses on attractions, it’s usually geared toward tourists. People want to know what there is to do in a given city or region before visiting. However, it’s perfectly ordinary to be curious about the same topics if you’re moving to...

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5 Benefits Of Electric Fireplaces

  Being in a warm, cozy living room by the heat of the fireplace, sipping a cup of coffee while looking at the cold weather from the window is a dream, so many house owners see. Although, this thought takes a back seat when one thinks about...

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